Dental Cleanings and Oral Surgery

Routine dental care is an important part of maintaining your pet’s overall health. If pet dental care is neglected, it can lead to serious dental problems and other health issues that can lead to tooth loss. At Sand Creek Animal Hospital in Albany, NY, we have years of experience providing residents with reliable dental health services including pet oral surgery.


Routine Pet Dental Care

Pet dental care often gets overlooked. However, dental disease in pets can lead to serious problems. Unfortunately, by age three about 80% of pets will develop some form of periodontal disease. This is when bacteria develop within the tooth socket. If untreated, this condition can destroy bone tissue, leading to excruciating pain and difficulty eating. If left to progress further, it can enter the bloodstream, negatively affecting the heart, kidneys, lungs, and other major organs. Regular dental cleanings from a qualified veterinarian can prevent these problems. Good oral hygiene is essential to preventing periodontal disease and tooth loss.

Maintaining Your Pet’s Oral Hygiene

Routine dental exams are the best step to take to maintain your pet’s oral health. Our vet will recommend regular dental cleanings as well. This involves removing plaque and tartar buildup to prevent dental disease from developing. When examining your pet’s teeth, our veterinarian will assess your pet’s health and recommend steps that you can take at home for preventative oral hygiene. If teeth become loose, we may recommend extraction. This is done during general anesthesia so that your pet is comfortable and safe.

Brushing Your Pet’s Teeth

Veterinarians recommend brushing your pet’s teeth daily. For some pets, this is not always feasible. Starting your pet off with this routine when they are young gets them accustomed to the process. If daily tooth brushing is not possible, there are other things that you can do to support their oral hygiene, such as:

  • Using dental chews regularly. Most vets recommend giving them every other day.
  • Select dog foods that state that they aid in plaque control and aid in oral health.
  • Water additives are available that promote good oral health.

Pet Oral Surgery

If your pet does develop periodontal disease, they may need oral surgery to prevent the advance of the disease. This can be disconcerting for pet owners, but it is a necessary step. Done under general anesthesia, this can include dental cleanings but may also include extractions. We have years of experience performing pet oral surgery and will ensure your pet’s comfort and safety throughout the process.

Veterinarian in Albany, NY

For more information on dental cleaning, pet oral surgery, or to schedule an appointment with our veterinarian, call Sand Creek Animal Hospital at (838) 900-7992.



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