5 Tips to stop your pets allergies

5 Tips to Stop Your Pets Allergies

Just like humans, pets can suffer from allergies. Sneezing, itching, scratching, and watery eyes can all be par for the course when your furry friend is having a reaction. While summer allergies are common, they can happen during any season. Pet allergies can be caused by pollen, dust, mold, parasites, and a range of household items.

Regardless of the cause, we at Sand Creek Animal Hospital can help. Serving the Albany, NY, area, our team of caring veterinarian experts can help pinpoint the allergy trigger and help remove it from your pet’s life. While not all allergic reactions can be prevented, there are steps you can take to help fight them off. Take a look at some tips:

1. Flea and Tick Prevention

One common allergic reaction comes when a pet is infested with fleas. A single bite can send your pet into a scratching and nipping frenzy. This can even cause bald spots and infection. The good news is a vet can prescribe a topical or oral preventative to help keep your pet free of these pesky parasites.

2. Bathing

Regular bathing with a gentle shampoo can also help keep your pet's coat and skin free of allergens.

3. Wipe Him Down

After being outside, wipe your pet with a damp cloth or hypoallergenic baby wipe. This may help get rid of excess pollen, grass, and other allergens.

4. Avoid Allergy Triggers

Reducing your pets' exposure to allergens can reduce reactions. Check the weather report for daily pollen counts if that is a trigger. Limit your pets' time outside on these days. Use natural cleaners and detergents around the house.

5. Try Pet Medications

Certain medications for pets can help reduce the symptoms of pet allergies. If you are wondering which ones are right for your pet, a vet on our team is here to help.

Learn More from a Veterinarian Near You about Pet Summer Allergies, Pollen, and Allergic Reactions in Pets

If you're in the Albany, NY, area and your pet needs help with allergies or another condition, don't hesitate to contact us. Our friendly staff is happy to assist you. Call us at (518) 446-9171 for more information from a veterinarian near you on our team at Sand Creek Animal Hospital.

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